My spiritual journey is a continuous evolution, not a destination. It began not with courage, but with innate curiosity and experiences that I only much later understood to be out of the ordinary. From my earliest memories to my current explorations, each step is a part of an unfolding path where fear gradually gives way to understanding and connection.
Early Experiences:
As a young child visiting my grandmother's house, I engaged in a conversation with an elderly woman I had never seen before. She exuded gentleness and warmth, with a kind smile, glasses, and her hair pulled back into a tight bun. It was only later, after finding her picture in my mother's genealogy records, that I learned she was my great grandmother, Sarah Elizabeth, who passed away in 1953. This interaction felt as ordinary to me as any other and is my earliest memory of my interactions with the spiritual realm. I had many other experiences in my youth as well, including speaking in tongues and a near-death experience where I literally saw the light and was sent back. These spiritual experiences were part of my reality and sparked a deep connection with the Divine.
During my youth, I was often described as 'too sensitive.' School was a particularly overwhelming experience due to my heightened empathy—I unknowingly absorbed everyone's emotions, unable to discern which feelings were my own. This often led me to seek solitude whenever possible. My bedroom became a sanctuary, where high vibrational music played continuously, creating a peaceful atmosphere that shielded me from overwhelming energies. Without realizing it at the time, I was intuitively learning to manage my empathic abilities, as well as the energy of my personal space.
Paranormal Challenges:
In my 20s, I found myself inadvertently living in a house with active paranormal occurrences. The spirit's activities—making noises, moving objects, and calling my name—were initially terrifying, as my religious upbringing led me to view these phenomena as malevolent. However, at the age of 44, a pivotal experience during a ghost tour at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park dramatically shifted my perspective. Capturing an orb in a photo, whether it was a true spectral manifestation or just a lens flare, sparked my interest in the paranormal, which set me on a path that led to my spiritual awakening. This event allowed me to view these encounters as attempts at communication, not as threats.
Spiritual Practices and Growth:
The experience at Estes Park was transformative. It prompted me to embrace Reiki two years later, which began the process of healing my religious traumas and also opened me up to reconnect with my spiritual abilities. My experiences with Reiki energy have transformed my approach from fear to curiosity and courage, allowing me to explore my spiritual path more openly and with a newfound sense of purpose.
Exploring New Avenues:
Since the beginning of this spiritual awakening journey, I've explored and studied many topics - psychic development, mediumship, channeling, Akashic Records, past lives, and shamanic energy medicine, to name a few. Now, I'm exploring tarot and astrology. These tools haven't become central to my spiritual practice yet, but they're proving significant as I delve deeper for personal insights and a broader understanding of the cosmos. The symbolism in astrology and tarot is incredibly insightful, revealing deep subconscious patterns and echoing back inner truths that resonate with me. I’m keen on integrating them more fully into my practice if they continue to resonate. My approach to new spiritual tools is practical: I test them out to see if they align with me. If they do, I incorporate them purposefully into my practice. If not, I value what they've added to my knowledge base and move on.
My spiritual journey has transformed from a path marked by fear and misunderstanding to one enlightened by curiosity and deeper connections. This journey is about continual growth and understanding, as I remain open to new experiences and insights that challenge and expand my spiritual boundaries.
Advice for Others:
When embarking on your spiritual journey, let curiosity be your guide. Approach each step with an open heart and mind, using your emotions as a gauge for your soul’s resonance. Feelings of peace, joy, and love often signal a genuine connection to a practice, while fear may require a deeper examination of its roots. Ask yourself: Is this fear stemming from social conditioning, others’ opinions, or religious teachings? If so, take time to reflect on these influences and determine their validity in your life. You alone can decide what resonates truly with you. If the fear isn’t linked to external conditioning, it may indicate that the path doesn’t align with your inner guidance. Learning to distinguish between these sources of fear can significantly enhance your understanding and deepen your spiritual connection.
Thank you for walking alongside me through these reflections on my spiritual path. I hope sharing my journey inspires you to explore, question, and deepen your own connection with the spiritual world. Let's continue this adventure together, learning from each other and growing in wisdom and love. Here’s to finding courage, embracing change, and fostering a community where all are welcome.
With warmth and light,